Friday 22 June 2018

The story of Prophet Nooh Alaihis salam

Almighty Allah SubhanhuWaTha'ala states in The Holy Quran: "Peace be upon Nooh among all nations. This is how we reward the good-doers. Verily, he was among our true believing servants." There is an entire Surah in The Holy Quran which is named ‘Nooh’. In total he is mentioned 43 times in the Quran Shareef, and his story appears in numerous places in the Holy Quran. Hazrat Nooh (alaihis-salaam) was the great grandson of Nabi Idrees (alaihis-salaam). Between the two there were 10 generations, as it is mentioned in authentic hadith narrated by Imam Bukhri and others.

Hazrat Nooh (alaihis-salaam) was sent as a Prophet to his people after they had started worshipping idols. He was therefore the first Prophet sent for this purpose., i.e. to invite people to the oneness of Allah SubhanhuWaTha'ala and towards Islam. It is said that Hazrat Nooh was fifty years old when he became a Nabi. He lived in Iraq, and that was where he spent most of his time.


A famous and authentic Muslim historian and Alim, Imam Ibni Katheer (rahmatullahi alaihi), gives a detailed account of how idol-worship started in the world. We shall summarize this account for you.

Among the generations that came between Nabi Adam Alaihis salam and Hazrat Nooh (alaihimas-salaam) there lived some very pious people. Some of their names are mentioned in Surah Nooh, such as, Wadd, Suwaa', Yaghooth, Ya 'ooq, and Nasr. These people were saints who were devoted to the worship of Allah SubhanhuWaTha'ala , and they had a large following. When they died, people were very sad and missed them a great deal. Some of their followers cried for days out of mourning. One day, upon seeing the extreme grief and sorrow of these followers, Shaytaan came to them in the form of a human being and offered to draw pictures of these holy men which they could keep in their homes as reminders. This was accepted and soon all of them had pictures of their pious leaders in their homes. They drew inspiration for their ibadat from these pictures and the sight of these holy man lessened their grief. It was a great means of solace for them.

When these followers died, their sons grew up and continued keeping these pictures. However, Shaytaan again came in human form and offered to transform these pictures into images, which he did upon their consent. Later he managed to convince the younger generation, who had no idea why these pictures and images were made, that their forefathers actually worshipped them.

The newer generation started to worship these images, and thus began the evil of idol-worship on earth. The exact names of these pious people, as mentioned above, were given to the idols. Shaytaan kept on appearing to them with new ideas and suggestions, such as asking things from these idols, making dua to them for rain, etc.

As time passed, these images were modified and beautified, and eventually people forgot entirely about Allah SubhanhuWaTha'ala and focussed all their attention on these images. Every generation that came after them, indulged in this form of worship, until Allah SubhanhuWaTha'ala decide to appoint Hazrat Nooh (alaihis-salaam) as a Messenger to save these people from this evil sin.

He therefore invited them to the worship of one Allah SubhanhuWaTha'alas, and to submit to His SubhanhuWaTha'alas Law. Needless to say, this message was rejected, because people were so deep-rooted in idolatry that they were not prepared to forsake their beliefs in these idols. Hazrat Nooh alaihis salam used different ways and methods to explain the truth to them, but to no avail. He spoke to them in public and in private, at night and during the day, and kept on reminding them of the Mercy and Forgiveness of Allah SubhanhuWaTha'ala, but only a handful of people listened to him and accepted his message. These sincere ones who came from poor communities, were called mu'mineen or believers. For the rest, their hatred against Hazrat Nooh oAlaihis salamnly increased.

Hazrat Nooh (alaihis-salaam) preached the message of Islam among his people for nine hundred years. When the kuffar in those days passed away, they would leave behind a wasiyyat (instructions) to their children not to believe in Hazrat Nooh (alaihis-salaam), but to continue rejecting him. Such was the severity of their kufr. In this manner, every generation exhorted the next to commit kufr against Allah SubhanuWaTha'ala and His Rasool, Nooh (alaihis-salaam).

Allah SubhanhuWaTha'ala then revealed to Nabi Nooh (alaihis-salaam) that now none of his people was going to embrace Islam, except those that already have done so. He was commanded to build a ship, but at that stage the world had never ever heard of a ship. Therefore, he was shown by Hazrat Jibreel (alaihis-salaam) how to construct a ship. Hazrat Nooh (alaihis-salaam) was therefore the first person on earth to build a ship, and through him mankind came to know about this technique for travelling over water.

The Ship

The ship was built according to specifications laid down by Allah SubhanhuWaTha'ala . He built it from teak wood and both the inside and the outside was coated with a layer of tar. The ship was about 138 metres in length, 23 metres wide, and 14 metres high. It had three decks of equal height. The lower deck was for animals, the middle for human beings, and the top deck for birds. It also had a flat roof, and several windows and a door on the side. Hazrat Nooh alaihis salams was shown how to build a pointed bow at the front, so that the vessel could plough through water easily.

It took him fifty years to build this ship. Some Ulema say the reason for this lengthy period was that trees had to be specially planted and grown, then chopped down and cut up for the wood that was to be used in manufacturing the ship. The work on this ship was undertaken and completed in a small but very important and central musjid in the city of Kãfa, Iraq. This was known as the Musjid of Nooh. aslihis salam

The Kuffar in those days used to mock at him and his small band of followers who were assisting him in building the ship. When they were told that a great flood was to strike them soon, they scoffed and made even bigger mockery. For at that time there was a severe drought. Where would floods come from, they thought? Secondly, how would this ship sail when there was no river in sight? But Hazrat Nooh (alaihis-salaam) and the Muslims paid no attention to their jeering and insults. They continued with the command of Allah SubhanhuWaTha'ala to build the ship.


Next to the musjid where the ship was being built, was the clay oven of Hazrat Nooh (alaihis-salaam). This oven was actually a huge hole dug into the ground, in which they used to bake their bread. Allah SubhanhuWaTha'ala informed Nabi Nooh (alaihis-salaam) that when water starts gushing out from this hole, that was a sign of the beginning of the flood. Nabi Nooh (alaihis-salaam) was then to order the believers, who numbered about 80 men and women, as well as animals, to board the ship. When the level of the water rose, the ship would begin to float automatically.

When the ship was completed, the command of Allah SubhanhuWaTha'ala came. It started to rain, and then Hazrat Nooh alihis salam noticed water flowing out of this clay-oven. He immediately ordered all the believers to embark, and took a male and female species of each animal and bird onto the ship was well. The drizzle of rain soon changed to a downpour. Then the rain started falling in torrents. Water flowed from every hole, spring, and fountain on earth. Soon the ship was afloat on high, raging currents of water. It is said that the level of the water rose about 10 metres higher than the tallest mountain on earth at that time! No place on earth was spared. Every area of the world was swamped in this flood and all people drowned, except for the occupants of the ship. The world had never ever witnessed a flood of this nature, nor was such a calamity ever to occur again till before Qiyamat.

  • When embarking on the ship, they were commanded to take the name of Allah SubhanhuWaTha'ala, and when disembarking, to recite the praises of Allah SubhanhuWaTha'ala for saving them from disaster. Three sons of Nabi Nooh (alaihis-salaam) were with him on this ship. They were, Saam, Haam, and Yaafith. The fourth son, Yaam, was an unbeliever, so he drowned with the rest of the kuffar. In spite of Nabi Nooh alaihis salams' pleading with him to board the ship, he refused, saying that he will take to the high mountains and be saved. But this was not to be, and he too perished. Three wives of Nabi Nooh were also saved, while the fourth one drowned because she too was among the kuffaar.

The flood started on 10th Rajab, which was the day they all embarked on the ship of Nooh (alaihis-salaam), and it subsided on 10th Muharram. So for six months this ship and its passengers sailed the flood waters. Eventually it came to rest on Mount Joodiy, which is part of a Mountain range in Eastern Turkey, close to the border of Iran. (Today this mountain is named ‘Mt. Ararat’) On this day (10 Muharram) they all got off the ship and Hazrat Nooh (alaihis-salaam) ordered them to observe a fast as thanksgiving unto Allah SubhanhuWaTha'ala (subhanAllah! wa alhamdulIllah to Allah SubhanhuWaTha'ala for each and every one of his blessings and mashaAllah and Allahu Akbar!!! ). Recently excavators have discovered parts of this ship, and some Muslim countries have preserved these parts as holy relics.


After the floods Hazrat Nooh alaihis salams and his followers started civilization all over again. They built towns and settlements and had to do farming to grow fruit and vegetables. From these 80 believers different languages developed. They married among themselves and produced children. In this manner the world began to be populated once more with only Muslims. Remember that all mankind were destroyed in the floods. Hazrat Nooh (alaihis-salaam) and his people had to populate and develop the world all over again. For this reason Hazrat Nooh is known as the second Adam. Soon thereafter Nabi Nooh alaihis salaam passed away. According to the most authentic reports he is buried somewhere in the Musjidul-Haraam of Makka. His age was 950 years according to the Holy Quran.


The three sons of Nabi Nooh mentioned above were saved from the floods, and they later on became the ancestors of all mankind, the Ambiyaa and their nations.

Asalam Alaikum Everyone

The Story of Hazrat Imam Hassan and Imam Hussain

Hazrat Sayyiduna Imam Hussain (R.A) is the beloved son of Hazrat Sayyiduna Ali and Bibi Fatima (R.A) and the most beloved grandson of Rasoolullah (S.A.W).
He was born on the 5th of Sha'baan in the year 4 Al-Hijri. Our Beloved Prophet (S.A.W) gave the Azaan in his right ear and the Iqaamah in his left ear. He then placed his blessed saliva in the mouth of Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A)   and made Dua for him.
On the 7th day he was named Hussain and his Aqeeqa was performed. Rasoolullah (S.A.W) commanded Hazrat Bibi Fatima (R.A)   to remove his hair and to give silver in charity equivalent to the weight of the hair.
Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A) was without doubt a very handsome personality. From his chest down to his blessed feet he was the image of Rasoolullah (S.A.W), whereas his elder brother Hazrat Imam Hassan (R.A) was the image of Rasoolullah (S.A.W) from his chest up to his blessed head. The blessed face of Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A) was so bright that it would even shine in the darkness of night.
Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A) was taught by Rasoolullah (S.A.W), Hazrat Bibi Fatima (R.A) and Hazrat Ali (R.A). Holy Prophet (S.A.W) loved Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A)   due to his piety and pure heart.
The Beloved Rasool (S.A.W) was also aware that the time would come when his beloved grandson would save the Ummah from destruction at the hands of a corrupt and tyrant leader.

Rasoolullah (S.A.W) loved Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A) dearly. Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A) said, “Once, when I presented myself in the court of Rasoolullah (S.A.W) I saw that he was walking on his knees carrying Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A) on his blessed back.
When I saw this, I said, “Your mode of transport is most splendid. On hearing this, the Beloved Rasool (S.A.W) replied, “O Umar, the passenger is also very splendid.””
Hazrat Ya'la bin Marwaa (R.A)   reports that Rasoolullah (S.A.W) said, “Hussain is from me and I am from Hussain. Whosoever has kept Hussain as his beloved, Allah is his beloved.”
Hazrat Jaabir ibn Abdullah (R.A)   states, “I heard from Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), “Whosoever wishes to see the leader of Paradise, he should look at Hussain ibn Ali (R.A).””
Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A)   was a very kind, gentle, generous, merciful and Allah-fearing personality. He always cared for the poor and oppressed, assisted the helpless, gave comfort to those in pain and sorrow and showed great love and affection towards orphans. He was the embodiment of the character of his grandfather Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (S.A.W) and of his blessed parents.
His tolerance and patience was also exemplary. This was manifested by the fact that his martyrdom had been foretold by the Beloved Rasool (S.A.W) and even though he was aware of this, he still made Sabr and waited for the Will of Allah (S.W.T) to take its course. Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A)   was also blessed with bravery of the highest degree and this bravery and fearlessness was manifested on many occasions, particularly during the Battle of Karbala.

The following incidents should give us a glimpse of the exemplary personality of Hazrat Imam Hassan and Imam Hussain (R.A):
Once, Hazrat Imam Hassan and Imam Hussain (R.A)   wrote some words in calligraphy on a blackboard. After they had completed writing, they both told each other that the other's writing was better. They could not come to an agreement as to whose writing was better, so they took their work to Hazrat Ali (R.A)   and asked him to make the decision.
He looked at their work and asked them to take it to their mother Hazrat Bibi Fatima (R.A). She looked at their work and said that the best person to make such a decision would be their beloved grandfather Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (S.A.W).
Both brothers then went to the court of the Beloved Rasool (S.A.W), who looked at their work and said, “This decision will be made by Hazrat Jibra’il (A.S).
Immediately Hazrat Jibra’il (A.S) appeared and said, “O Prophet of Allah, this decision will be made by Almighty Allah (S.W.T).” Thus Almighty Allah commanded Hazrat Jibra’il (A.S) to take an apple from Jannat and to drop it over their boards. The best piece of work will be that on which the apple will fall.
Hazrat Jibra’il (A.S) then did as commanded and dropped the apple over the boards. The apple fell and split into two equal pieces, half on the board of Hazrat Imam Hassan and half on the board of Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A).
Subhaanallah! This showed that both of their calligraphic writing was equal. It also shows us what excellence has been bestowed on the grandsons of Rasoolullah (S.A.W) that the decision concerning their writing is made in the Divine Court of Almighty Allah (S.W.T).

Once, Hazrat Imam Hassan and Imam Hussain (R.A) had gone outside for a long time and Hazrat Bibi Fatima (R.A) became very worried. She was still thinking about where the children might have gone when the Beloved Rasool (S.A.W) arrived at her home. She immediately asked her beloved father, “Ya Rasoolullah (S.A.W), Imam Hassan and Imam Hussain cannot be found. They have gone out and we do not know their whereabouts.”
Just then, Hazrat Jibra’il (A.S) descended and said, “Ya Rasoolullah (S.A.W), there is nothing to worry about. Both the children are at a certain place and Almighty Allah has appointed angels to protect them.”
On hearing this, Rasoolullah (S.A.W) went to the spot pointed out by Hazrat Jibra’il (A.S) and He (S.A.W) saw that both the beloved grandsons were resting and an angel had one of his wings under them and was shading them with the other wing. The Beloved Rasool (S.A.W) kissed both of them and carried them home to Hazrat Bibi Fatima (R.A).

Once a Bedouin presented himself in the court of Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A)   and said, “I heard your beloved grandfather (S.A.W) say that when one is in need of anything, then one should request this from one of four persons; either from a pious Arab, or from a pious master, or from a Hafizul Qur'an, or from a graceful person, and all these four qualities are found in you in the highest form.
The reason for this, is that if the entire Arabia received piety, it is through your blessed family, and generosity is your beautiful quality; as for the Qur'an, this was revealed in your home and concerning your gracefulness, I heard your beloved grandfather (S.A.W) say, “If you wish to see me, then look at Hassan and Hussain.””
Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A)   listened to his words and then said, “I heard my beloved grandfather Rasoolullah (S.A.W) saying, “Piety is according to one's knowledge.” I will thus ask you three religious questions. I have with me this bag. If you answer one question I shall give you one third of what is in the bag; if you answer two, then I shall give you half of what is in this bag and if you answer all the questions, then I shall give you all of what is in the bag.”
Bedouin was very pleased and requested Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A)   to present the questions. He asked, “Which action is the most exalted amongst all actions?”
The Bedouin replied, “To bring faith in Allah.” Imam Hussain (R.A)   then asked, “What protects a servant from destruction?”
He answered, “In having complete trust (faith) in Allah.” Imam Hussain (R.A)   then asked, “What is that through which a servant attains his splendour?” He answered, “By knowledge which is accompanied with good deeds.”
He asked, “And if one does not have this quality?” He answered, “He should have that wealth in which there is generosity.” He then asked, “And what if one does not have such wealth?” He said, “He should be patient in his poverty.”
Imam Hussain (R.A)   then asked, “And what if someone is not in such poverty (where he is patient)?” The Bedouin replied, “Then he should be struck by a bolt of lightning.” On hearing these answers, Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A)   smiled and gave him the entire bag.

Once Hazrat Imam Hassan, Hazrat Imam Hussain and Hazrat Abdullah ibn Jaafar (R.A)   had gone together on Hajj. On their way, the camel which was carrying food, water and belongings went astray and was left far behind.
They came to a shack belonging to a very old woman. All three of them went over to the shack and told the woman that they were very thirsty and asked if she could spare them something to drink. The old woman kindly milked her goats and presented the goats milk for them to drink.
They then kindly asked if she had anything for them to eat. The old woman said that the food was not prepared but if they wished to wait, she would slaughter the goat and cook it for them. They thus agreed to wait. The goat was slaughtered and the old woman cooked a delicious meal.
All of them happily partook in the meal, and on leaving they informed the old woman that they were of the Quraish tribe and they invited her to visit them in Medina Shareef, so that they may return her generous favour. The three of them then continued on their journey. Her husband came home later that day and found that she had cooked the goat. He was very angry that she had fed the goat to people she did not even know.
Some time passed and both the old woman and her husband became very poor. They travelled to Medina Munawwarah where they earned very little money gathering and selling camel droppings. Once while she was walking in Medina Shareef, Hazrat Imam Hassan (R.A)   spotted her. He immediately went up to her and asked if she recognized him.
The old woman said that she could not and Imam Hassan (R.A)   explained to her that he was amongst those who stopped at her shack and partook in a meal which she provided for them. On hearing this she was very pleased and she informed Hazrat Imam Hassan (R.A)   of her situation.

Hazrat Imam Hassan (R.A)   took her to his home and gave her one thousand goats and one thousand dinars in cash. He then asked his servant to take her to the home of Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A). Imam Hussain (R.A)   asked her what her brother had given her, and he too blessed her with one thousand goats and one thousand dinars.
Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A)   then asked his servant to take her to the home of Hazrat Abdullah ibn Jaafar (R.A). He was very pleased to see her and asked what both Imam Hassan and Imam Hussain (R.A)   had given her. She replied that all together they had given her two thousand goats and two thousand dinars. On hearing this he gave her two thousand goats and two thousand dinars.
The old woman was now very pleased, and took the four thousand goats and four thousand dinars and went to her husband. She presented these to him and said, “This is a gift from that generous family to whom I had fed one goat.” SubhanAllah! What generosity did Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A)   and his family possess.

Assalam Alaikum Everyone

Monday 18 June 2018

The Story Hazrat Ali

On Friday, the 13th of Rajab (the seventh month of the Islamic calendar) - which falls on March 31 this year - a momentous event took place.
According to Shia beliefs and as confirmed by some Sunni texts, Fatima binte Asad, wife of Abu Talib, was heavily pregnant and had come to the Holy Kaaba to circumbulate it when she felt labour pains. Suddenly, the wall of the Holy Kaaba cracked open and she entered inside; there she gave birth to a baby boy. To this day, the followers of Ali swear that they can see the crack though it has been filled up since, and they try and touch the wall's surface during Hajj and Umrah.
I, too, have often done the same, despite the objections of the guards posted there, who feel it is biddat (innovation).
It is said that once Fatima Binte Asad had entered the Kaaba, the walls were sealed again and it was only on the third day that the locks on its doors could be opened when Muhammad, the baby’s cousin, came in. Thus, this was the first face the newborn saw, and he was named Ali (exalted).
Ali followed his cousin Muhammad everywhere like a “baby camel” and thus he learnt the lessons of the two worlds. As a young boy, he was the first male to embrace Islam as his religion and Muhammad as the Prophet of God. The first woman was the Prophet’s wife, Khadijah.
Ali was a medium-built man with piercing eyes. He was unusal as he was not only a man of wisdom and scholarship, but also one of the bravest warriors known to the world and a just administrator. As Sir Edward Gibbon said, “He united the qualifications of a poet, a soldier, and a saint; his wisdom still breathes in a collection of moral and religious sayings.”
He is the hero of millions of qawwalis: The most famous being the saying of the Prophet (pbuh)
We have grown up on stories about Ali’s legendary wisdom and bravery. As a devotee of Hazrat Ali, I would like to share a few of them with you.
His sayings and letters have been preserved in a compilation called Nahjul Balagha or Peak of Eloquence. Whenever I have shared his wise thoughts on social media, it has been met with an enthusiastic response.
In fact, I often use his words to respond to my trolls. Some of my favourites are:  
  1. The sin which makes you sad and repentant is more liked by Allah than the good deed which turns you arrogant.
  2. Forgiveness is the best revenge.
  3. If you succeed in misleading somebody, do not think of him as being a big fool. Rather think about how he trusted you.
  4. The moment you start arguing with an ignorant fool, you have already lost.
  5. The best form of devotion to the service of Allah is not to make a show of it.
  6. Imam Ali once said to his son Imam Hasan, “My son, learn four things from me and through them you will learn four more. If you keep them in mind, your actions will not bring any harm to you: The greatest wealth is wisdom; the greatest poverty is stupidity; the worst is that of vanity and self-glorification; and the best nobility of descent exhibits itself in politeness and in refinement of manner. The next four things, my son, are: do not make friendship with a fool, because when he will try to do you good, he will do you harm; do not make a miser your friend, because he will run away from you at the time of your dire need; do not be friendly with a vicious and wicked personm because he will sell you and your friendship at the cheapest price and do not make friend of a liar, because like a mirage he will make you visualise very near the things, which lie at a great distance and will make you see at the great distance the things which are near to you".
For someone who lived his life by The Prophet’s teachings, Ali was not afraid to adapt to changing circumstances. There is a tradition set by the Holy Prophet that "with the help of hair dye, turn old age into youth so that you do not resemble the Jews".
When Imam Ali was asked to comment upon this, he said that in the early stage of Islam, there were very few Muslims. The Holy Prophet had advised them to look young and energetic, and to not adopt the fashion of the Jews (priests), who had long, white flowing beards.
But Muslims were not in a minority then, theirs was a strong and powerful state, and hence they could choose any style they liked.
When Ali became the fourth Caliph of Islam, he appointed Malik Ashtar as the governor of Egypt. His instructions to him are a statement of good governance and kept in the United Nations as an example. I am reproducing some portions here (translated by Rasheed Turabi):
Be it known to you, O, Malik, that I am sending you as Governor to a country which in the past has experienced both just and unjust rule. Men will scrutinise your actions with a searching eye, even as you used to scrutinise the actions of those before you, and speak of you even as you did speak of them... 
Remember that the citizens of the state are of two categories. They are either your brethren in religion or your brethren in kind. They are subject to infirmities and liable to commit mistakes. Some indeed do commit mistakes. But forgive them even as you would like God to forgive you.
Do not say: “I am your overlord and dictator, and that you should, therefore, bow to my commands”, as that will corrupt your heart, weaken your faith in religion and create disorder in the state. 
Maintain justice in administration and impose it on your own self and seek the consent of the people, for, the discontent of the masses sterilises the contentment of the privileged few and the discontent of the few loses itself in the contentment of the many. Remember the privileged few will not rally round you in moments of difficulty: they will try to side-track justice, they will ask for more than what they deserve and will show no gratitude for favours done to them...
Unloose the tangle of mutual hatred between the public and the administration and remove all those causes which may give rise to strained relations between them... "
He then went on to give wise advice on how to keep the army happy, how to choose a chief justice, how to redress the woes of cultivators for even if there is a temporary loss of revenue by reduction of taxes it could be made up "in the hour of greater prosperity of the land and enable you to improve the condition of your towns and to raise the prestige of your state".
He advocated meeting the poor and the oppressed periodically in an open conference without armed guards to hear their grievances.
Today, he is mostly remembered for his legendary bravery, and justifiably so.
In the battle of the Trench, the famous Quraish warrior Amr bin Abd e Wud challenged someone from the army of Muhammad to face a duel, which was the custom of war:
“I am Amr bin Abd e Wud, the greatest warrior in Arabia. Is there anyone among you who has the courage to meet me in personal combat?”
No one responded to the giant’s call. When Ali rose, he was stopped by the Prophet, who said, “This is Amr bin Abd e Wud.”
Twice the Prophet stopped Ali, but the third time Ali simply said, “I am Ali ibn Abu Talib.”
Ali’s agility and his quickness with his feet helped him parry the giant’s blows. Ali also had the famous double-edged sword Zulfiqar in his hand. The Zulfiqar was to become one of the deadliest swords in myth.
Soon, Ali had Amr flat on his back, on the ground. When Amr could not break Ali’s hold and rise, he spat on his face.
Ali, who had been lowering his dagger on Amr’s throat, rose, took a step backwards and sheathed his weapons. When Amr then jumped up (to retaliate), Ali swung the Zulfiqar at him and killed him.
He then went back to The Prophet. Muhammad asked, “O Ali! Why did you step back when you were just about to kill Amr?”
“O Messenger of God, just as I was about to run my dagger on his throat he spat at me and abused me. If I had killed him, then it would have been a personal revenge as I was furious. I had to overcome my rage and so stepped away. I wanted to kill him only for the sake of and in obedience to Allah’s commands.”
Cries of triumph could be heard from the victorious army:
La Fatah Ila AliLa Saif Ila Zulfiqar (Truly there is no victor like Ali/ And no sword like the Zulfiqar).
Note: There are many dates given for Ali’s birth, but as it is recorded that he was born on a Friday, it has been narrowed down to 16 BH - the year 13 Rajab fell on Friday. This date has been fixed as July 17, 607 CE, according to Kitab Maqtal Ali by Abu Mikhnaf, originally published 156 AH/773 AD; from which Ali Ibn Abi Talib's birthdate was replicated by IMAM (Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya) Cultural Publication; Volume 2, Issue 5.

Monday 1 January 2018

The Story of Alahazrat Childhood

Imam Ahmed Raza's Blessed Birth; His Blessed Name; Illustrious Family History; Imam Ahmed Raza's Piety as a Child; Imam Ahmed Raza's First Lecture; His Intelligence as a Child; Astonishing Events of Childhood

Imam Ahmed Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) was born on a Monday, the 10th of Shawaal 1272 A.H. (14th June 1856), at the time of Zohar Salaah in a place called Jasoli, which is in the city of Bareilly Shareef, India.
A few days before the birth of Imam Ahmed Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu), his father, Allamah Mawlana Naqi Ali Khan (radi Allahu anhu), had a wonderful dream. He immediately disclosed this dream to his father, Allamah Mawlana Raza Ali Khan (radi Allahu anhu), who interpreted this dream by saying: "This is a sign that you are going to be the father of a child, a boy, who will grow up to be pious and knowledgable. His name will gain prominence from East to West."
This was the good news that was given to Allamah Mawlana Naqi Ali Khan (radi Allahu anhu) concerning the birth of none other than the "emerald from amongst the Treasures of Almighty Allah", the "sweet-scented rose from the fragrant garden of the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam)", Imam Ahmed Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu).
The date of birth of A'la Hadrat (radi Allahu anhu) was extracted by himself from the Holy Quran. "These are they in whose hearts Allah has inscribed faith and helped them with a spirit from Himself." (58:22)

The name that was given to him at birth was the beautiful name of "Mohammed." The name corresponding to that year of his birth was "Al Mukhtaar." His grandfather, a great Scholar of the Ahle Sunnah Wa Jamaah, Allamah Mawlana Raza Ali Khan (radi Allahu anhu), also gave the young child the beautiful name of "Ahmed Raza." It was by this name that he was famously known. Much later in his life, A'la Hadrat (radi Allahu anhu) added the title "Abdul Mustafa" to his name signifying his great love and respect for Sayyiduna Rasulullah (salal laahu alaihi wasallam).
The Grand Mufti of Makkatul Mukarramah, Sheikh Hussain bin Saleh Makki (radi Allahu anhu), also gave him the title of "Zia'udeen Ahmed."

Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Al-Qaderi, was the son of Allamah Mawlana Naqi Ali Khan, who was the son of Allamah Mawlana Raza Ali Khan, who was son of Allamah Mawlana Mohammed Kaazim Ali Khan, who was the son of Allamah Mawlana Shah Mohammed Azam Khan, who was the son of Allamah Mawlana Sa'adat Yaar Khan, who was the son of Allamah Mawlana Sa'eedullah Khan (radi Allahu anhum ajma'in).
The great forefathers of A'la Hadrat (radi Allahu anhu) migrated from Qandhar (Kabul) during the Mogul rule and settled in Lahore. Allamah Mawlana Sa'eedullah Khan, the first forefather of A'la Hadrat (radi Allahu anhum), held a high government post when he arrived in the Indo-Pak sub-continent. His son, Allamah Mawlana Sa'adat Yaar Khan (radi Allahu anhu), after gaining victory in the city of Ruhailah, was elected as the Governor of that city.
Allamah Mawlana Hafiz Kaazim Ali Khan, the son of Mawlana Mohammed Azam Khan (radi Allahu anhum), was a Tax-collector in the city of Badayun. His son, Allamah Mawlana Raza Ali Khan (radi Allahu anhu), the illustrious grandfather of A'la Hadrat (radi Allahu anhu), did not serve in the Government. It was from this generation that the heads of the family began to adopt Tassawuf as their way of life.
We have included a very brief history of A'la Hadrat's (radi Allahu anhu) father and grandfather.
HIS FATHER: A'la Hadrat's (radi Allahu anhu) father, Hadrat Mawlana Naqi Ali Khan (radi Allahu anhu), received his education at the hands of his father, Allamah Mawlana Raza Ali Khan (radi Allahu anhu). He wrote more than 50 books, among them, "Suroorul Quloob fi Zikri Mouloodul Mahboob", which received a very high distinctive position amongst Islamic literature. The treatise is characteristic in its condemnation of the enemies of Islam, both internally and externally. A'la Hadrat's (radi Allahu anhu) father passed away in 1297 A.H. (1880) when he was 24 years old.
HIS GRANDFATHER: One of the greatest Sufis of his time, Allamah Mawlana Raza Ali Khan (radi Allahu anhu) was born in the year 1224 A.H. He was also a great warrior and fought with General Bakht Khan against English invaders in the year 1834. He received his early education at the hands of Molwi Khaleerur Rahman. At the age of 23, he had already completed his Islamic education, earning certificates of distinction in various fields of knowledge. He passed away in the month of Jamaadi-ul-Awwal in the year 1282 A.H. (1866). A'la Hadrat (radi Allahu anhu) was at this time only 10 years old.

A'la Hadrat (radi Allahu anhu) was a child of 4 years when this incident took place. On that particular day, he was dressed in a long Kurta. As he stepped out of his house, a few female prostitutes walked past him. In order to cover his eyes, A'la Hadrat (radi Allahu anhu) quickly held the bottom of his Kurta with both his hands and lifted the Kurta over his face. When one of the prostitutes saw what he did, she said, "Well! Young man. You covered your eyes, but allowed your Satr to be shown." With his face and eyes still covered, the young A'la Hadrat (radi Allahu anhu) replied, "When the eyes are tempted, then the heart becomes tempted. When the heart is tempted, then the concealed parts become tempted." So shocked and affected was this woman on hearing such a reply from a child that she lost consciousness.
Another incident which happened in the Month of Ramadaan also s hows A'la Hadrat's (radi Allahu anhu) piety and fear of Allah. Fasting was not Fardh (obligatory) upon him because he was still a child, but on that day he intended to keep fast. It should be known that for a little child to keep fast in India during the summer season was very difficult. The average temperature on a summer's day rises to approximately 50 degrees Celsius. On that day, the heat of the sun was intense. Hadrat Allamah Naqi Ali Khan (radi Allahu anhu) took his young son, A'la Hadrat (radi Allahu anhu), into a room where sweets were kept. He closed the door and said, "There, eat the sweets." A'la Hadrat (radi Allahu anhu) replied that he was fasting. His father then said, "The fasting of children is always like this. The door is closed and no one is looking. Now you may eat." On hearing this, the young A'la Hadrat (radi Allahu anhu) respectfully said, "Through Whose command I am fasting, He is Seeing me." On hearing this answer from a little child, tears began to flow from the eyes of Hadrat Allamah Naqi Ali Khan (radi Allahu anhu). He then left the room with A'la Hadrat (radi Allahu anhu).

Sayyiduna A'la Hadrat (radi Allahu anhu) delivered his first lecture at the age of 6 years. It was during the glorious month of Rabi-ul-Awwal. A'la Hadrat (radi Allahu anhu) stood on the Mimbar (Pulpit) and delivered a lecture before a very large gathering which also consisted of Ulema. His lecture lasted for approximately 2 hours. A'la Hadrat (radi Allahu anhu) spoke on the Wilaadat (Birth) of Sayyiduna Rasulullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). He brightened the hearts of the listeners with the love of Sayyiduna Rasulullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). The people listening were thoroughly impressed by the maturity and eloquence of this lecture which was being delivered by a 6 year old child!

A'la Hadrat (radi Allahu anhu) was so gifted and intelligent that there was no need for him to study beyond the fourth Kitaab of his course under the tutorship of any of his teachers. He studied the remaining Kitaabs by himself and used to later ask his teachers to test him.
Once, his teacher asked him, "Mia! Are you a Jinn or a human being? It takes me much time to teach a lesson, but it does not take you much time to learn the same lesson." A'la Hadrat (radi Allahu anhu) answered, "Praise be to Allah that I am a human."
When he was 8 years old, A'la Hadrat (radi Allahu anhu) wrote a Mas'ala concerning Fara'idh (Fards). When his father looked at the answer, he happily remarked, "If only some adult could answer in this manner."
At the age of 10, when he was studying the Kitaab, "I'lm-us- Thuboot," under the guidance of his father, he noticed a few objections and answers of his father on the side of the page. A'la Hadrat (radi Allahu anhu) studied this book carefully and wrote such a well- explained footnote that even the need for an objection was ruled out. His father came across his research on that objection. He was so delighted that he stood up and held the young A'la Hadrat (radi Allahu anhu) to his heart and said, "Ahmad Raza! You do not learn from me, but you teach me."
Professor Dr Ghulam Mustafa Khan, Head of Department: Urdu, Sindh University, Sindh (Pakistan) said: "Allamah Hadrat Ahmed Raza Khan is among the outstanding scholars. His deep learning, intelligence, vision and acumen, surpassed that of great contemporary thinkers, professors, renowned scholars and orientalist. Indeed, there is hardly any branch of learning that is foreign to him."

At the age of 3, A'la Hadrat (radi Allahu anhu) was once standing outside the Raza Musjid in Bareilly Shareef. An "unknown" person, attired in an Arabian garb, approached him and spoke to him in the Arabic language. Those who were present and witnessed this incident heard the young A'la Hadrat (radi Allahu anhu) converse with the person in pure Arabic. They were surprised. The person who spoke to A'la Hadrat (radi Allahu anhu) was never seen again in Bareilly Shareef!
A Majzoob (one drowned in his love for Almighty Allah) by the name of Hadrat Basheeruddeen Sahib (radi Allahu anhu) used to live at the Akhoon Zada Musjid in Bareilly Shareef. He spoke harshly to anyone who visited him. A'la Hadrat (radi Allahu anhu) wished to meet this Majzoob. One night, at about 11 o'clock, he set off alone to meet him. He sat respectfully for about 15 minutes outside the Majzoob's house. After some time, the Majzoob became aware of him and asked, "Who are you to Mawlana Raza Ali Khan (radi Allahu anhu)." A'la Hadrat (radi Allahu anhu) replied that he was the grandson of Hadrat Raza Ali Khan (radi Allahu anhu). The Majzoob immediately embraced him and took him into his little room. He asked A'la Hadrat (radi Allahu anhu) if he had come for any specific matter, but A'la Hadrat (radi Allahu anhu) said that he had come to ask him to make Dua for him. On hearing this, the Majzoob, for approximately half an hour, made the following Dua: "May Allah have mercy on you, May Allah bless you."

Asalam Alaikum Every one

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